Somehow, out of all of the people I could have married in the world, I wound up with someone whose dad has the same birthday as mine! (Our brothers are both named "Brian Joseph", too! Weird.) Anyways, yesterday, we got to celebrate two of the best men we know at the same time. Dads...this one's for you!

Tom Pfaffl is one of my favorite people to be around. He is always telling funny stories and teasing everyone with a cheeky grin on his face. His laughter is absolutely infectious!!! Even tuesdays are a party with Grandpa Pfaffl! He cooks delicious food for us every time we go to visit them and always has the whole family involved in something fun--sports wagers, beach trips, board games, you name it. I am so blessed to be able to give my son a grandpa who teaches us without even trying, to grab life by the horns and ride it for all it's who teaches us that if we fall (or fail), we just need to dust ourselves off and give it another go...

one who shows us everything in life is as it should be and to just send worry on it's way. Tom, you are a riot! Happy Birthday to our beer-making, joke-telling, advice-giving, always-there-in-a-pinch, Wisconsin man! We love you!

And now I'd like to send out birthday wishes to my own Dad, who I love more than life itself! My dad is one of those people ho seem to know everything and know how to do anything! We always joke that he will go into his garage one day and blast out on a homemade spaceship. He can build a house as easily as he can whip up a wok full of fried rice. He raised us to know everything he could about the world around us, never leaving a question unanswered, and I know my siblings and I owe a lot of who we are to him.

I have been around my dad for twenty-eight years and I am still learning so many new things about him every day! He is one of those rare souls who would give anything to anyone without ever expecting anything in return, and I love him with all of my heart. Happy birthday to my spiritual advisor, role model, and confidante....You're the best "Pop-Pop" Landon could ever have ;o)
Happy Birthday to your Dads! It's a good day for Dad birthdays I guess - it's my Dad's birthday too!
Christine--Happy Birthday to your dad, too, then! :o) Thanks for popping by my blog! I just saw the pic of Pippi and Harry at Halloween and it cracked me up!! I love it!
Aww! Happy Birthday to the dads!
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