Sect Members Waiting For Children To Be Returned
This Make Me Sad, Too...
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

For anyone who has been keeping up with the comments on my boob post (and anyone in need of some comment relief): This is what my wedding photographer, Anita, was referring to. It was a classic moment, let me tell you. I give you (drumroll please...): The Bouquet Toss! Infamous! (Nancy, you can thank Anita for censoring this...I have the original, so you better be nice!) ;o)
PS) Let it be a warning to any girl jumping through the air in a strapless dress! ;o)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
100 Things About Me
Okay, I FINALLY got this posted...Now you guys do it, too!
1. I have always loved to write. I actually kept journals from middle school through meeting Andy after college!! I have loved being able to read about how I thought and felt and lived over the years. It can really teach you a lot (and embarrass you!) to see your personal growth from your own prospective!
2. Most of the journals I kept(along with some home videos and yearbooks)were accidentally thrown out when I moved once after college. When I realized it, I wanted to puke!
3. When I was little, I had a blue blanket with that silky lining all around the edges (what the heck is that stuff called anyways??) and I couldn't get to sleep without it. Well, my mom finally made me get rid of the blanket so I started sleeping with my her windbreaker jacket--ha ha ha!--Take that, Mom! (Every once in a while I sneak Andy's soccer shorts into bed with me...Hey, don't judge! ;o)
4. I'm still a little addicted to that silky material--I even ended up buying a wedding dress with an organza overlay (a mere coincidence) that you can see me rubbing between my fingers in all of my wedding pictures--ha ha ha!
5. In high school, I had hair all the way down to the middle of my back--I cut it off all at one time just before leaving for college
6. Before meeting Andy, I dated the same guy (off and on and off again) for about six years (Sharon introduced me to him when we were fifteen). He is still my dear friend (even though we argue like siblings) and he and my husband are crazy about each other.
7. (This is that same ex bf's favorite story about me--he thinks it sums up my personality--don't listen to him!): When I was in kindergarten, I was eating the school's provided "hot lunch" and I noticed that the canned peaches they were serving tasted rrrrRRRReally bad. I turned to my friend, Audrey, smiled sweetly (albeit sneakily) and prodded her to try some. She did. Then she puked all over my lunch. And SOMEHOW someone captured a picture of me offering the peaches, sneaky look and all, and put it in our 1985 yearbook.
8. I am a compulsive spell-checker. I am talking SERIOUS grammar police, here, people. I have to really bite my tongue sometimes to avoid being obnoxious and correcting people (I unleash full blown Grammar Cop on Andy behind closed doors, though--hee hee hee!)
9. I'm a cradle Catholic
10. I went to a private Catholic school from Kindergarten until 8th grade
11. Then I went to a big public high school where I knew almost NO ONE
12. But I still loved it!
13. My 10th high school reunion is this fall and I am so excited to see everyone again!
14. I hate flying....and yes I have flown before. Lots.
15. I went to France my junior year of high school as part of an exchange program
16. I am still friends with one guy I "met" there (met in quotes=complicated--LOL!)--He "gets" me better than almost anyone else in my life. It's strange to think we met 11 years ago in a foreign country!
17. I ran out of my wedding rehearsal in tears--Yup, right down the aisle in hysterics and left everyone just standing there, like "Durrr..."
18. When I was pregnant with Landon, I used to throw up when I saw the (brand new--dang it!) couch in our living room. (Still don't know why).
19. I wound up giving the couch to my grandma.
20. In 2001, I was in a head-on collision with an 18-wheeler. The whole front of my car was completely gone and my cell phone shattered into a million pieces in the console.
21. My dog ran away from the scene of the accident and left me broken-hearted.
22. I found her three months later in the woods.
23. She had gained five pounds (she's a tiny Jack Russell) and we found out later, she had been living on handouts from McDonald's and Arby's (Her own Doggie Super-Size Me project!!)
24. While she was gone, my mom bought me a new Jack Russell, Jackson, who I think is the spawn of Satan. He better be glad he's so cute, that little bugger! He is always getting in trouble! Thorn in my side....
25. I despise coconut
26. But I have always loved pina colada
27. When I was little, my dad used to make us non-alcoholic pina coladas and strawberry daiquiris out of frozen bacardi mix. We never knew Bacardi was known only as an adult drink and I remember getting all kinds of eyebrows raised in my direction when I'd go to school and tell the teachers my dad had made us Bacardi daiquiris the night before!
28. I almost never get sick of pizza--if I get close to swearing it off for a while, I switch brands
29. I hate watching the news--It scares me
30. I never watch horror movies--I used to like some, but they all make me paranoid and anxious, no matter how dumb. I still can't get Pet Cemetery and Poltergeist out of my head...Now that I mention it, I never forget ANY horror movies
31. I almost never eat red meat (occasionally a little bit of steak if manners require it)
32. I don't have tonsils. They've never been removed...they were never there in the first place
34. It irritates me when people don't like movies that I like--lol!
35. I have taken several typing courses, but I still don't use the right fingers to type. I'm the fastest chicken pecker you've ever seen--ha ha ha!
36. Once I start a book (especially if it's good), I cannot put it down until I finish it. Even if I've read it before. I've been caught staying up until 4 am reading something I've read before. I've got problems.
37. I worry entirely too much
38. The only celebrity I've ever met is Pauly Shore (although I was keeping my fingers crossed the whole time John Krasinski was here filming Leatherheads)
39. Everyone always asks me if I'm sick when I don't wear mascara
40. I have never smoked anything in my life
41. I still think Napoleon Dynamite is hilarious
42. I can't eat just one (or two) Krispy Kreme doughnuts--I can't have them in the house because I lose all self control (like yesterday) and try to eat the whole box
43. My honeymoon was A-W-F-U-L!!! We had the worst time imaginable! It started when we realized we were a good 60 years younger than the other people staying at our "resort" in Florida and ended abruptly when I got really sick and we had to come home a week early (just before the cruise we missed!)
44. I hate coffee (oh yes she did!)
45. I still sometimes wear a pair of my old maternity underwear. Sexy, I know.
46. I have worn contacts since I was fourteen
47. I am crazy about hydrangeas
48. Roaches are unacceptable...When I see one, I freak out (freeze in place, dry heave, etc.) It's sad.
49. I had spinal meningitis when I was a toddler
50. I told jokes between pushes while I was having Landon...and it's all on one embarrassing video
51. Sometimes I catch myself counting stairs when I walk up them (???)
52. I hate being embarrassed more than anything in the world...but it's hard to embarrass me.
53. I got my ears pierced in the fourth grade and have never gotten any piercings since then
54. I don't have any tattoos. I feel like I'd be one of those people who would want to wash it off every day in the shower.
55. Laughter is the key to my heart. My closest friends are those I laugh with.
56. I love Monty Python
57. My dad played with the band Ambrosia in the 70's (this would shock you if you'd ever met him--lol!)
58. I make lists about everything
59. I love giving people make-overs and presents :oD
60. If I go to bed knowing I have a busy schedule the next day...or if I'm working on planning a party or something, I obsess about it--The thoughts roll around my head all night and keep me from sleeping
61. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight, even when I'm exhausted
62. I was never claustrophobic until I had to have an MRI done inside of a big truck in my neurologist's parking lot. (Never agree to do a traveling MRI)
63. I was never allergic to anything growing up, but now I am allergic to Sulfa drugs, Keflex (cephalosporins), peanuts and shellfish. It's awful!
64. I love to cook
65. While I was having my epidural before giving birth to Landon (gigantor needle already in my spine), the anesthetist said, "You probably shouldn't be having this"
66. I have control issues and trust issues
67. I have broken my finger, the side of my foot, my tailbone, and several to
68. I can usually tell the moment I meet someone whether or not I can be friends with them
69. I think Conan O'Brien and Joel McHale (from The Soup) are hilarious--Would you believe Andy doesn't get their senses of humor at all? It baffles me.
70. I love fashion
71. I love interior decorating
72. I love photography
73. I love party planning
74. I have a sarcastic, dry sense of humor
75. The older I get, the more I feel like the "odd man out"--I guess that's part of growing up and becoming who I am meant to be...I've also noticed that although it annoys me sometimes, other times, I kind of like being the odd man out...
76. I have the opposite parenting philosophies from what I expected/planned
77. I like Facebook better than MySpace
78. I am good at keeping in touch with people I love over time, but really, really bad about calling people and keeping up with anyone on a day to day basis. The friends I keep are the ones who either understand this about me...or like to e-mail--lol!
79. I'm loud and snarky
80. I've noticed I don't deal very well with most types of change in my life, even if it's a good change--I find a way to get stressed out
81.I hate to be judged b/c I think everything through so well...and I'm pretty passionate about everything I believe in...and I try very hard to be non-judgemental
82. I love reality TV shows like The Hills and Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Rob and Big. I also like the more contest-y reality shows like Project Runway and Top Chef
83. I met my husband in a bar
84. He is the last person in the world I ever saw myself marrying and yet...VOILA! Somehow it just works (even if he doesn't like Conan)
85. My older brother, John, and I made our little brother, Matt, drink pee once when we were kids.
86. Some things I continually buy and then lose: tweezers, mascara, scissors, tape, fingernail clippers, SUNGLASSES!!
87. I love to sing, but I don't sound good doing it. Every once in a while, I can sing pretty well when no one's listening. Can you believe I used to sing on stage--whaaaaaat?
88. When I was little, I used to hide with a cassette player and record my mom yelling at us--We love to pull those priceless tapes out and tease my mom now--ha ha ha! "If you kids want to talk back to someone, you better go do it in front of the mirror because I am not having it, do you hear me?!" (muffled giggle in the foreground)
89. Prank calling is still funny
90. I hate taking medicine. If I do have to take meds, I scrutinize the pamphlet until
I scare myself...and I now I have a kid, making the problem worse
91. I don't really drink soda--but if I did, it would be cream soda--Mmmmm!
92. I can't wait for the day Curtis Stone picks me up at the Whole Foods Market and cooks a fabulous dinner at my house.
93. I have to sleep with a fan on (ha ha, OJ--Thanks for reminding me of this quirk!)
If I travel, I have to tote the ole fan right along with me--Yes, it's that bad--lol!
94. I believe in signs---little pushes, prods, and reminders from God to help us in life
95. I believe everything happens for a reason, but even so, it usually doesn't help me until AFTER a crisis (hindsight is 20/20, right?). I'm still a spazz under pressure
96. I am a label reader. When I'm at the grocery store, I don't buy anything with high fructose corn syrup or dangerous preservatives (like BHT, BHA, or EDTA). I will absolutely not buy anything with sugar substitute in it (another post about why coming soon to a blog near you!!) :oD
97. I hate the sound of people chewing (shiver, shiver!)
98. I have two autoimmune diseases that we know far--(still trying to figure out what's going on). I could probably earn a medical degree with all of the research I've done!
99. The veins on my left hand are shaped like a heart
100. When I went to have my wisdom teeth out a few years ago, I thought it'd be a piece of cake like it was for everyone else. (A chef I worked with at the time had just had his out before me and was back at work the same night of his surgery!!!) I wound up in bed for weeks, looking like the elephant man--two black eyes, bruises all over my face and neck and Loritab...lots and LOTS of Loritab!
***I hope I didn't repeat myself over and over....It took me weeks to even put this list together!!!***
Posted by Jennifer at 8:12 PM
1. I have always loved to write. I actually kept journals from middle school through meeting Andy after college!! I have loved being able to read about how I thought and felt and lived over the years. It can really teach you a lot (and embarrass you!) to see your personal growth from your own prospective!
2. Most of the journals I kept(along with some home videos and yearbooks)were accidentally thrown out when I moved once after college. When I realized it, I wanted to puke!
3. When I was little, I had a blue blanket with that silky lining all around the edges (what the heck is that stuff called anyways??) and I couldn't get to sleep without it. Well, my mom finally made me get rid of the blanket so I started sleeping with my her windbreaker jacket--ha ha ha!--Take that, Mom! (Every once in a while I sneak Andy's soccer shorts into bed with me...Hey, don't judge! ;o)
4. I'm still a little addicted to that silky material--I even ended up buying a wedding dress with an organza overlay (a mere coincidence) that you can see me rubbing between my fingers in all of my wedding pictures--ha ha ha!
5. In high school, I had hair all the way down to the middle of my back--I cut it off all at one time just before leaving for college
6. Before meeting Andy, I dated the same guy (off and on and off again) for about six years (Sharon introduced me to him when we were fifteen). He is still my dear friend (even though we argue like siblings) and he and my husband are crazy about each other.
7. (This is that same ex bf's favorite story about me--he thinks it sums up my personality--don't listen to him!): When I was in kindergarten, I was eating the school's provided "hot lunch" and I noticed that the canned peaches they were serving tasted rrrrRRRReally bad. I turned to my friend, Audrey, smiled sweetly (albeit sneakily) and prodded her to try some. She did. Then she puked all over my lunch. And SOMEHOW someone captured a picture of me offering the peaches, sneaky look and all, and put it in our 1985 yearbook.
8. I am a compulsive spell-checker. I am talking SERIOUS grammar police, here, people. I have to really bite my tongue sometimes to avoid being obnoxious and correcting people (I unleash full blown Grammar Cop on Andy behind closed doors, though--hee hee hee!)
9. I'm a cradle Catholic
10. I went to a private Catholic school from Kindergarten until 8th grade
11. Then I went to a big public high school where I knew almost NO ONE
12. But I still loved it!
13. My 10th high school reunion is this fall and I am so excited to see everyone again!
14. I hate flying....and yes I have flown before. Lots.
15. I went to France my junior year of high school as part of an exchange program
16. I am still friends with one guy I "met" there (met in quotes=complicated--LOL!)--He "gets" me better than almost anyone else in my life. It's strange to think we met 11 years ago in a foreign country!
17. I ran out of my wedding rehearsal in tears--Yup, right down the aisle in hysterics and left everyone just standing there, like "Durrr..."
18. When I was pregnant with Landon, I used to throw up when I saw the (brand new--dang it!) couch in our living room. (Still don't know why).
19. I wound up giving the couch to my grandma.
20. In 2001, I was in a head-on collision with an 18-wheeler. The whole front of my car was completely gone and my cell phone shattered into a million pieces in the console.
21. My dog ran away from the scene of the accident and left me broken-hearted.
22. I found her three months later in the woods.
23. She had gained five pounds (she's a tiny Jack Russell) and we found out later, she had been living on handouts from McDonald's and Arby's (Her own Doggie Super-Size Me project!!)
24. While she was gone, my mom bought me a new Jack Russell, Jackson, who I think is the spawn of Satan. He better be glad he's so cute, that little bugger! He is always getting in trouble! Thorn in my side....
25. I despise coconut
26. But I have always loved pina colada
27. When I was little, my dad used to make us non-alcoholic pina coladas and strawberry daiquiris out of frozen bacardi mix. We never knew Bacardi was known only as an adult drink and I remember getting all kinds of eyebrows raised in my direction when I'd go to school and tell the teachers my dad had made us Bacardi daiquiris the night before!
28. I almost never get sick of pizza--if I get close to swearing it off for a while, I switch brands
29. I hate watching the news--It scares me
30. I never watch horror movies--I used to like some, but they all make me paranoid and anxious, no matter how dumb. I still can't get Pet Cemetery and Poltergeist out of my head...Now that I mention it, I never forget ANY horror movies
31. I almost never eat red meat (occasionally a little bit of steak if manners require it)
32. I don't have tonsils. They've never been removed...they were never there in the first place
34. It irritates me when people don't like movies that I like--lol!
35. I have taken several typing courses, but I still don't use the right fingers to type. I'm the fastest chicken pecker you've ever seen--ha ha ha!
36. Once I start a book (especially if it's good), I cannot put it down until I finish it. Even if I've read it before. I've been caught staying up until 4 am reading something I've read before. I've got problems.
37. I worry entirely too much
38. The only celebrity I've ever met is Pauly Shore (although I was keeping my fingers crossed the whole time John Krasinski was here filming Leatherheads)
39. Everyone always asks me if I'm sick when I don't wear mascara
40. I have never smoked anything in my life
41. I still think Napoleon Dynamite is hilarious
42. I can't eat just one (or two) Krispy Kreme doughnuts--I can't have them in the house because I lose all self control (like yesterday) and try to eat the whole box
43. My honeymoon was A-W-F-U-L!!! We had the worst time imaginable! It started when we realized we were a good 60 years younger than the other people staying at our "resort" in Florida and ended abruptly when I got really sick and we had to come home a week early (just before the cruise we missed!)
44. I hate coffee (oh yes she did!)
45. I still sometimes wear a pair of my old maternity underwear. Sexy, I know.
46. I have worn contacts since I was fourteen
47. I am crazy about hydrangeas
48. Roaches are unacceptable...When I see one, I freak out (freeze in place, dry heave, etc.) It's sad.
49. I had spinal meningitis when I was a toddler
50. I told jokes between pushes while I was having Landon...and it's all on one embarrassing video
51. Sometimes I catch myself counting stairs when I walk up them (???)
52. I hate being embarrassed more than anything in the world...but it's hard to embarrass me.
53. I got my ears pierced in the fourth grade and have never gotten any piercings since then
54. I don't have any tattoos. I feel like I'd be one of those people who would want to wash it off every day in the shower.
55. Laughter is the key to my heart. My closest friends are those I laugh with.
56. I love Monty Python
57. My dad played with the band Ambrosia in the 70's (this would shock you if you'd ever met him--lol!)
58. I make lists about everything
59. I love giving people make-overs and presents :oD
60. If I go to bed knowing I have a busy schedule the next day...or if I'm working on planning a party or something, I obsess about it--The thoughts roll around my head all night and keep me from sleeping
61. I hardly ever go to bed before midnight, even when I'm exhausted
62. I was never claustrophobic until I had to have an MRI done inside of a big truck in my neurologist's parking lot. (Never agree to do a traveling MRI)
63. I was never allergic to anything growing up, but now I am allergic to Sulfa drugs, Keflex (cephalosporins), peanuts and shellfish. It's awful!
64. I love to cook
65. While I was having my epidural before giving birth to Landon (gigantor needle already in my spine), the anesthetist said, "You probably shouldn't be having this"
66. I have control issues and trust issues
67. I have broken my finger, the side of my foot, my tailbone, and several to
68. I can usually tell the moment I meet someone whether or not I can be friends with them
69. I think Conan O'Brien and Joel McHale (from The Soup) are hilarious--Would you believe Andy doesn't get their senses of humor at all? It baffles me.
70. I love fashion
71. I love interior decorating
72. I love photography
73. I love party planning
74. I have a sarcastic, dry sense of humor
75. The older I get, the more I feel like the "odd man out"--I guess that's part of growing up and becoming who I am meant to be...I've also noticed that although it annoys me sometimes, other times, I kind of like being the odd man out...
76. I have the opposite parenting philosophies from what I expected/planned
77. I like Facebook better than MySpace
78. I am good at keeping in touch with people I love over time, but really, really bad about calling people and keeping up with anyone on a day to day basis. The friends I keep are the ones who either understand this about me...or like to e-mail--lol!
79. I'm loud and snarky
80. I've noticed I don't deal very well with most types of change in my life, even if it's a good change--I find a way to get stressed out
81.I hate to be judged b/c I think everything through so well...and I'm pretty passionate about everything I believe in...and I try very hard to be non-judgemental
82. I love reality TV shows like The Hills and Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Rob and Big. I also like the more contest-y reality shows like Project Runway and Top Chef
83. I met my husband in a bar
84. He is the last person in the world I ever saw myself marrying and yet...VOILA! Somehow it just works (even if he doesn't like Conan)
85. My older brother, John, and I made our little brother, Matt, drink pee once when we were kids.
86. Some things I continually buy and then lose: tweezers, mascara, scissors, tape, fingernail clippers, SUNGLASSES!!
87. I love to sing, but I don't sound good doing it. Every once in a while, I can sing pretty well when no one's listening. Can you believe I used to sing on stage--whaaaaaat?
88. When I was little, I used to hide with a cassette player and record my mom yelling at us--We love to pull those priceless tapes out and tease my mom now--ha ha ha! "If you kids want to talk back to someone, you better go do it in front of the mirror because I am not having it, do you hear me?!" (muffled giggle in the foreground)
89. Prank calling is still funny
90. I hate taking medicine. If I do have to take meds, I scrutinize the pamphlet until
I scare myself...and I now I have a kid, making the problem worse
91. I don't really drink soda--but if I did, it would be cream soda--Mmmmm!
92. I can't wait for the day Curtis Stone picks me up at the Whole Foods Market and cooks a fabulous dinner at my house.
93. I have to sleep with a fan on (ha ha, OJ--Thanks for reminding me of this quirk!)
If I travel, I have to tote the ole fan right along with me--Yes, it's that bad--lol!
94. I believe in signs---little pushes, prods, and reminders from God to help us in life
95. I believe everything happens for a reason, but even so, it usually doesn't help me until AFTER a crisis (hindsight is 20/20, right?). I'm still a spazz under pressure
96. I am a label reader. When I'm at the grocery store, I don't buy anything with high fructose corn syrup or dangerous preservatives (like BHT, BHA, or EDTA). I will absolutely not buy anything with sugar substitute in it (another post about why coming soon to a blog near you!!) :oD
97. I hate the sound of people chewing (shiver, shiver!)
98. I have two autoimmune diseases that we know far--(still trying to figure out what's going on). I could probably earn a medical degree with all of the research I've done!
99. The veins on my left hand are shaped like a heart
100. When I went to have my wisdom teeth out a few years ago, I thought it'd be a piece of cake like it was for everyone else. (A chef I worked with at the time had just had his out before me and was back at work the same night of his surgery!!!) I wound up in bed for weeks, looking like the elephant man--two black eyes, bruises all over my face and neck and Loritab...lots and LOTS of Loritab!
***I hope I didn't repeat myself over and over....It took me weeks to even put this list together!!!***
Posted by Jennifer at 8:12 PM
Out of the Mouthes of Babes
Today, while eating lunch out at a restaurant, Landon announced to me (with all the dismay his little three year old voice could muster): "I'm just frusterbated!!!"
Just thought I'd share.
Just thought I'd share.
All About the Boob (Mainly For OJ)
I got a funny comment from the Other Jennifer on my "Three Years of Landon" post and I just had to reply to it. First of all, I have no idea how even the illusion of my having boobs appeared in those photos...I am so flattered that you could possibly even detect a hint of "boobage" without a magnifying glass--I think you're either being nice or sarcastic--LOL! Or maybe I just need to hold Landon more often so that I can squish the twins together and make them look like a normal person's chest? I'd also like to take this grand opportunity to add that I think I'm the only person in the world who A.) Got pregnant and gave birth, barely gaining a cup size and then B.) Breastfed the little munchkin a very controversial amount of time before ending up with LESS boobage than she started out with--Whaaaaaat??!! I deserve at least a little consolation prize from the Big Guy for all of that love and dedication (read: leaking and swelling). It's an outrage! My little sister parades around with something like double F's (not joking) and I, at twenty-eight years of age, barely even need to wear a dang bra. HMPH!! Ah well...Can't win 'em all!
I will leave you all (All three of you who have dared to stick with me past the title) with a lovely new Landon story that (very sadly) fits in with this subject:
This weekend, I was taking engagement pictures of my sister and her fiance at a very busy park (note that I said "very busy"--Everyone and their brother hangs out there on the weekends) right in the middle of downtown. (Sharon, back me up here--people everywhere). I was holding my darling, precious, innocent little boy when--POOF!--out of the blue, he pulled my shirt (AND MY BRA!!) right down and exposed my wobbly bits to everyone with in viewing range. Let us hope that none of them had OJ's x-ray vision or a magnifying glass with them that night. *sigh*
I will leave you all (All three of you who have dared to stick with me past the title) with a lovely new Landon story that (very sadly) fits in with this subject:
This weekend, I was taking engagement pictures of my sister and her fiance at a very busy park (note that I said "very busy"--Everyone and their brother hangs out there on the weekends) right in the middle of downtown. (Sharon, back me up here--people everywhere). I was holding my darling, precious, innocent little boy when--POOF!--out of the blue, he pulled my shirt (AND MY BRA!!) right down and exposed my wobbly bits to everyone with in viewing range. Let us hope that none of them had OJ's x-ray vision or a magnifying glass with them that night. *sigh*
Friday, May 23, 2008
Congratulations Anna!!

Recap of Our Day

First, we got Landon a grilled cheese sandwich (his favorite lunch) from Jason's Deli.

Then we surprised him with a brand new Speed Racer Helmet!!! (He has been waiting for this moment for a looooong time! ;o)

It was HUGE on his head, but he couldn't have been happier!

Later in the afternoon, I took Landon to the little downtown airport where they keep all of the private planes. We usually go to the big international airport and watch the planes take off and land, but this was waaaay better.....

One man opened his plane up for us and let "Speed Racer" climb in to push buttons and "fly" the plane!!

Then Nana and Granddaddy gave him a new Speed Racer t-shirt obstacle course game...

And a cupcake from his favorite bakery--Yum!

Then Landon played with Uncle Brian...

And we ended the day with a chocolate cake and NINE candles! Whew! Mommy is exhausted!!! I don't know how I'm going to fare next week as we get ready for his party for his friends! Wish my crazy tail some luck! (Although you shouldn't--I totally bring it on myself!
Three Years of Landon
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Another Step Closer...???
Well, I completed all of the blood tests I was supposed to have done (to check my hormone levels) a couple of weeks ago and finally got the results back yesterday. There's good news and bad news. The good news is that they found out what's wrong with me. The bad news is THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME....and when there's something wrong, you have to treat it. BLAH! BUT, treating it could mean that I have a safe and possibly even non-eventful pregnancy, so I should ultimately be thankful, right? What were the results, you ask? ;o) Well, my progesterone levels start off really good--nice and high, but then instead of staying high, they take a nosedive....which could explain why I can get pregnant, but have such a hard time staying pregnant. That's all well and good, but it means I have to start cooperative hormone replacement therapy right away during the post peak phase of my cycle. A compound pharmacist is mailing a prescription to me as we speak for three months of bio-identical progesterone supplements (300 whopping milligrams administered the fun way, if you know what I mean). I'm a little nervous about that, but it's all for the greater good, right? Next, Dr. Collins asked if she could take sole charge over my thyroid issues and told me I needed a higher dose of Synthroid than my other doc originally prescribed. This scares me a little more since my thyroid has been known to fluctuate between hypo and normal. I don't want to take something to speed up my thyroid production and then send myself too far the other direction (especially considering the trouble it can cause with my heart). The drug therapy can cause lots of scary side effects and at this point, I am just wishing all of this would just go away--POOF!-Disappear into oblivion. I want to curl up in a ball in the back of my closet, and forget about big decisions and responsibilities and medications I have been avoiding for years that are now sneaking back to haunt me. It feels so overwhelming right now...especially since it's all pushing me towards being pregnant again (and SOON). I know I can always change my mind at the last minute, but I am so TIRED of running away, you know? I am tired of being afraid, I am so exhausted from planning to have another baby and then chickening out over and over, leaving me where I do not want to be: worried and with only one baby (who is getting older every day and begging me for a sibling) Please say prayers for me and for this entire situation. I can use all I can get right now :o( I can see that little baby that is supposed to be mine, but I have no idea how it's going to get here.....
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mother's Day

(Check out last year's Mother's Day post here)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Sharon!!!!
Why do I love her?...Let me count the ways:


PS) Hey, Sharon, I know you'll want copies of these pictures to put on your mantle...Just let me
know what sizes you need and they'll be on their way


PS) Hey, Sharon, I know you'll want copies of these pictures to put on your mantle...Just let me
know what sizes you need and they'll be on their way
Friday, May 2, 2008
A post I read over at Housewife in Flip-Flops this afternoon inspired me to ask all of you: What celebrity do YOU look like? I am one of those people who seem to automatically assess everyone I meet to see who they look like. I have been approached multiple times by people who thought I looked either like Charlize Theron

or Katie Holmes

I've also been told I look like Kiersten Warren

And most recently (on my blog comments, actually!) Kellie Martin

Andy and I love scanning our pictures into the celebrity look-a-like game on My Space--It's hilarious to see who we look like. How about all of you? Who do you all resemble (at least in the eyes of others?) I'll go ahead and get this started by saying that Andrea kind of reminds me of Audrina Partridge from The Hills!

or Katie Holmes

I've also been told I look like Kiersten Warren

And most recently (on my blog comments, actually!) Kellie Martin

Andy and I love scanning our pictures into the celebrity look-a-like game on My Space--It's hilarious to see who we look like. How about all of you? Who do you all resemble (at least in the eyes of others?) I'll go ahead and get this started by saying that Andrea kind of reminds me of Audrina Partridge from The Hills!

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