Friday, May 30, 2008

What Do You Think About This Whole Situation?

Sect Members Waiting For Children To Be Returned

This Make Me Sad, Too...


CMumf said...

That situation just breaks my heart. I am sure that there are creepy child hurting people in every religion, every economic and social group BUT I hate that they didn't really look into things before ripping so many kids away from their parents. It bothers me even more that they took kids from homes that don't focus on what most consider "day to day" (tv, fast food, video games) and shoved them into places where I am sure that is all the norm. I just hope they will all be ok.

IF there are creepy kid hurters I do hope the group will turn him/her/them in.

Andrea said...

The entire situation makes me sad from the first time I heard about it. Children shouldn't have to live like this and are growing up so confused.

Sharon said...

It's ridiculous and wrong. I'd love to get in the head of the deciding judge.
Messed up. REALLY messed up.

Anonymous said...

It broke my heart to see photos and video clips of these parents and children being separated. I don't agree with that life style, but those children are innocents...they just learn that way of life by the adults. We live in such a complicated and messed up world. *sigh*

On a completely and TOTALLY different note...Georgia Aquarium--totally cool idea!! Let's do it!

Sue said...

I've lost all respect for the state of Texas, the judge should be disbarred. Truly sad & sick.