Friday, January 11, 2008


I clogged up the toilet in my bathroom yet AGAIN (I swear, I don't know how in the world I manage to do this so often!!) and had to call Andy home from work to help me clean up the mess. He's up there right now using up his lunch break and every towel we have to wipe up all the water. Good times.


Stacey said...

You need to eat more prunes, homegirl. Ace had some with his yogurt yesterday for breakfast and I swear to you, his "production" that afternoon couldn't have clogged up a straw.

Jennifer said...

Stacey--Ha ha ha ha! Duly noted! Ha ha ha! Thank God there was no poo involved--Forget Purell at that point, I'd have to burn my house down! My problem seems to be more about the amount of toilet paper I use than anything--I keep blaming it on Charmin b/c every time Andy buys Charmin, I flood the floors! LOL! (I'm going to have to show him your comment to make him feel better!)

Andrea said...

LoL! Jenn I was totally going to say - you really know how to drop a duce.. lol!!!!! BUT... that seems to be noted by Stacey's comment. Haven't you heard Sheryl Crow- you only need one ply of toilet paper??? HA HA HA HA.. YEA RIGHT!!!!! Anyway, I was laughing so hard when I read this I'm lucky I've been doing my kegels or I might have peed myself. Love you.

Kim said...

LOL!!! What a great husband...using his lunch break to help clean up! Reminds me of the time I locked myself and Jack out of our car after grocery shopping and I had to have Joe drive 45 minutes to use his spare key to let us back in (I think he had to use 2 lunch breaks for that one!). Hope you're all dried up by now :)