Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
One More Thing...
Add this as my #8 on the "Random Things About Me" Meme:
"I get embarassed when I watch the talent portion of the Miss America pageants." (I literally laugh hysterically until I cry and can't ever seem to turn the channel.) Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Miss Michigan? And spaghetti arms? Really? Simon Cowell, where are you for this one? He really should sign up to be one of the judges next year!
PS) The "new and improved" Miss America pageant WAS admittedly better than usual.
PPS) Did anyone else watch this? I want my next hair cut to be Miss Utah's! (Diagonal forward with short bangs) :o) I'll be G.I. Jenny! Hoo RAAHHH!
"I get embarassed when I watch the talent portion of the Miss America pageants." (I literally laugh hysterically until I cry and can't ever seem to turn the channel.) Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Miss Michigan? And spaghetti arms? Really? Simon Cowell, where are you for this one? He really should sign up to be one of the judges next year!
PS) The "new and improved" Miss America pageant WAS admittedly better than usual.
PPS) Did anyone else watch this? I want my next hair cut to be Miss Utah's! (Diagonal forward with short bangs) :o) I'll be G.I. Jenny! Hoo RAAHHH!
Out of the Mouths of Babes
We've been teaching him all about good manners, especially about not interrupting people when they're talking. So...anytime we're having boring adult conversations, he always chimes in, "Esstuze My In Erection!" (Excuse the Interruption) until we stop talking. It cracks us up!
For some reason, "erection" has been a big word for him lately. (Hey, at least it's making good stories for his future prom dates!). We were watching the Packers play last week at Andy's parents' house and Brett Favre ended the game by throwing an interception. Andy and his dad were yelling things like "NOOOO! An interception!!" So, to be like the big guys, (in front of about twenty football fans), my lovely son puts his hands over his eyes, throws his head back and yells, "OH NO! An erection!!!" I tried to correct him, but he couldn't ever seem to remember the word "interception". We were rolling on the floor laughing! Later that night, Landon was drawing pictures of the football game and when my mother-in-law asked him what he was drawing, he said, "This is Brett Favre and this is the uniform and this is the helmet." He kept drawing quietly, so I said, "And what is that, Sweetie?"...You guessed it: "It's an erection."
For some reason, "erection" has been a big word for him lately. (Hey, at least it's making good stories for his future prom dates!). We were watching the Packers play last week at Andy's parents' house and Brett Favre ended the game by throwing an interception. Andy and his dad were yelling things like "NOOOO! An interception!!" So, to be like the big guys, (in front of about twenty football fans), my lovely son puts his hands over his eyes, throws his head back and yells, "OH NO! An erection!!!" I tried to correct him, but he couldn't ever seem to remember the word "interception". We were rolling on the floor laughing! Later that night, Landon was drawing pictures of the football game and when my mother-in-law asked him what he was drawing, he said, "This is Brett Favre and this is the uniform and this is the helmet." He kept drawing quietly, so I said, "And what is that, Sweetie?"...You guessed it: "It's an erection."
Seven Random Things
Thanks Sharon for tagging me again! I love memes because they give me ideas for blog posts and it's fun to read random facts about my friends. I'm not feeling very creative right now, but here are the answers I came up with. (We'll have to do this more often so you can eventually see how weird I really am!) ;o) Okay, so here we go:
Seven Random Things About Me
1. I like reading magazines from the back to the front--I don't know why, but I always end up doing it that way! :oD
2. Even though I'm not in third grade anymore, I still catch myself trying not to step on cracks in the sidewalk ("Step on a crack, break your mama's back!") (You're welcome, Mom.)
3. I have an adult onset peanut allergy (yeah, it sucks) and even though there are no peanuts in Soy-Nut Butter, I still won't eat it (nothing to do with not liking the taste) and Andy thinks I'm crazy.
4. I have three brothers, one sister, two step-sisters, two step-brothers, one half-brother, two step-sisters-in-law, two "real" parents, two step-parents and a partridge in a pear tree.
5. I am a compulsive list maker. I will make a list for just about anything and you can always find old receipts and scraps of paper all over my house with old lists scribbled on them.
6. I cannot wake up early (probably beacuse I stay up waaaaay too late!). Thank God I was blessed with a child who has always slept in like a teenager.
7. I got kicked out of Girl Scouts.
Now, Sharon already tagged most of the people I would usually tag--(Blog Hog Bruen!) J/K ;o) I borrowed them from your blog to begin with--hee hee hee! I am going to tag Mike and Anita:
Here’s how it works:
~Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours.
~Post the rules on your blog.
~Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself on your blog.
~Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog.
~Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog.
Seven Random Things About Me
1. I like reading magazines from the back to the front--I don't know why, but I always end up doing it that way! :oD
2. Even though I'm not in third grade anymore, I still catch myself trying not to step on cracks in the sidewalk ("Step on a crack, break your mama's back!") (You're welcome, Mom.)
3. I have an adult onset peanut allergy (yeah, it sucks) and even though there are no peanuts in Soy-Nut Butter, I still won't eat it (nothing to do with not liking the taste) and Andy thinks I'm crazy.
4. I have three brothers, one sister, two step-sisters, two step-brothers, one half-brother, two step-sisters-in-law, two "real" parents, two step-parents and a partridge in a pear tree.
5. I am a compulsive list maker. I will make a list for just about anything and you can always find old receipts and scraps of paper all over my house with old lists scribbled on them.
6. I cannot wake up early (probably beacuse I stay up waaaaay too late!). Thank God I was blessed with a child who has always slept in like a teenager.
7. I got kicked out of Girl Scouts.
Now, Sharon already tagged most of the people I would usually tag--(Blog Hog Bruen!) J/K ;o) I borrowed them from your blog to begin with--hee hee hee! I am going to tag Mike and Anita:
Here’s how it works:
~Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours.
~Post the rules on your blog.
~Share 7 strange/weird facts about yourself on your blog.
~Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog.
~Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
It's SNOWING!! Real flakes! Landon (true Southerner) has been outside twirling around and screaming, "It's SNOWING, Mom!!!" at the top of his lungs as the tiny little snowflakes fall around him. It's melting as soon as it hits the ground in true Greenville fashion, but we still can't contain the excitement of our annual snow shower. Gotta go play in it before it stops!!

Monday, January 14, 2008
Oooooh Wee!

Sunday, January 13, 2008
A Win! Woo Hoo!!!
The Packers only have to win one more game and they're off to the Super Bowl! How in the world did this happen? This is just about the only time I care about sports during the year (well, except maybe when the World Cup is going on) and we had so much fun yesterday celebating the big win. Here are some pictures of Sunday with the Pfaffls!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Go Pack, Go!

We're on our way to Columbia this afternoon! We're going to watch the game that could make or break Green Bay for the season, so keep your fingers crossed!! Andy's paents' house is not a good place to be when the Packers lose, but if they win, it'll be one heck of a party! (True Cheese Heads, these people!) :o)
Friday, January 11, 2008
I clogged up the toilet in my bathroom yet AGAIN (I swear, I don't know how in the world I manage to do this so often!!) and had to call Andy home from work to help me clean up the mess. He's up there right now using up his lunch break and every towel we have to wipe up all the water. Good times.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The No Name Meme
Sharon challenged me to get off of my lazy blog butt (it's about time, right?) and do a meme...Soooo, here it is!!! (Drumroll please....)
The No Name Meme
1. Do you wear a name tag at work? That would be a "Thank God, NO!" With a last name like Pfaffl, I try to keep my public-displays-of-name to a minimum!...Oh, and I don't have a job :o)
2. What kind of car do you drive? A 2008 Lexus...Nah, just kidding. I drive a Mercury Mountaineer filled with trash and toys and spare change. I'm on my way to being on "Mom My Ride" thanks to my piggy husband and toddler son.
3. What do you order when you go to Taco Bell? I haven't really eaten at a fast food restaurant for years, but I used to go to Taco Bell just about every day!! I was addicted to it in high school....Kinda makes me sick to think about it--Blehhh!!
4. Have you ever had a garage sale? No...but I need to and I have been planning to for MONTHS!
5. What color is your iPod? I am such a dorky loser, but I don't have an iPod. My younger siblings make fun of me for being behind the times! :o)
6. What kind of dog do you have? Two black and white Jack Russell Terriers (Jackson is almost 7 and Molly is 8).
7. What's for dinner tonight? I'd rather talk about what I made last night because it was DEEEE-LISH...but I'll stick with the question: Tonight I sauteed broccoli in garlic butter and mixed it with diced potatoes--Topped it with shredded cheese and made kind of a casserole (It was just Landon and me tonight).
8. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had? Red wine
9. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Hmm...probably getting rid of it! I don't have one right now, but I feel naked without it sometimes!
10. Last time you were sick? Christmas Eve--I had some kind of three day head cold--Yuck! I couldn't taste any of the Christmas food I scarfed down.
11. How long is your hair? Pretty short--but different lengths all over
12. Are you happy right now? Yes...I have a huge list of things that I need to do, people I really need to call/visit, things I need to clean, bills I need to pay, and of course that crazy case of Baby Fever, but I. Am. Happy.
13. What did you say last? "Sounds fun. We'll have to look in to it."
14. Who came over last? My mom and little brother, Brian
15. Do you drink beer? Sometimes.
16. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted? Ha ha--No...but I'm sure I told them they were! (And I was dramatic enough to IMAGINE I was adopted every once in a while as I recall).
17. What is your favorite key chain on your keys? I don't really have any key chains right now--Just those boring silver rings.
18. What did you get for graduation? Cards, Money & a big party :o)
19. Whats in your pocket? No pockets. I'm in my p.j.s
20. Who introduced you to Dane Cook? My brothers
21. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No, but my friend Shannon made one for Landon's first birthday and we were actually playing with it tonight!
22. What DVD is in your DVD player? (I'm actually getting up to check--Hee hee hee!) Okay, as usual, Cars in in the d.v.d player.
23. What's something fun you did today? Landon and I went to Baskin Robbins to get ice cream with my mom and then went to Barnes and Noble.
24. Who is/was the principal of your high school? Alex Martin (Could you tell I was saying that in a very accurate Mr. Martin thick Southern accent?)
25. Has your house ever been TP'd? No.
26. What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"? Wayne's World
27. What are you listening to right now? Results from the New Hampshire Primary (It's as addictive as the weather channel! I got the results hours ago and I'm still watching them reapeat the same things over and over!)
28. Drinking? Nothing, but I probably should go get a glass of water.
29. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart? I'm not a huge Wal Mart fan (more of a Target girl if anything) so Andy told me my answer should be "The Check Out Line"
30. When is your mom's birthday? My mom was born on July
31st and my stepmom was born on July 30th--That gets a little crazy around here ;o)
31. When is your birthday? January 29th
32. What's the area code for your cell phone? Again, no cell phone (Don't make me admit it again!)
33. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now? TJ Maxx, I think?
34. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? A little glass angel from Andy's mom.
35. How many states in the US have you been to? I think around 19 or 20
36. What kind of milk do you drink? Usually soy milk fortified with omega-3's but I also buy some skim and 2% milk, too.
37. What are you going to do after this? Hopefully go to bed! :o)
38. Who was the last person you went shopping with? My mom
39. What is your favorite fruit? I like almost any fruit and I eat a ton of it every day--I'm not that thrilled about mangoes or papayas, though.
40. What about your favorite dessert? Ooh, tough one...Andy's triple layer lemon bars, apple pie and vanilla ice cream, white chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, strawberry shortcake, banoffee...(sigh)
41. What is something you need to go shopping for? Oh, good Lord, I can always find something I need to buy--A new laundry basket, clothes, two Christmas presents I haven't bought, a new toaster...
42. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives? No. Not unless my brother marries his current girlfriend. Then she'll have my maiden name. :o)
43. What kind of car does one of your siblings drive? White Jeep Grand Cherokee
44. Do you like pickles? Sometimes. I go through phases.
45. How about olives? I like olives with Mediterranean food
46. What is your favorite kind of gum? I don't really chew gum anymore (I know, this survey is making me look like a freak of nature, isn't it?)
47. What is your favorite kind of juice? I like all kinds of juices, but I guess I'll go with R.W. Knudsen's Cranberry Blueberry
48. Do you have any tan lines? Heh Heh! I'd love to hear my friends and family comment on this one! No, I don't have any tan lines. I am as white as a sheet...(hey, at least I might avoid the skin cancer thing, right?)
49. What hospital were you born in? Greenville General--Is has been condemned since then, though
Okay, I'm going to tag Kim and Mike for this one! :o)
The No Name Meme
1. Do you wear a name tag at work? That would be a "Thank God, NO!" With a last name like Pfaffl, I try to keep my public-displays-of-name to a minimum!...Oh, and I don't have a job :o)
2. What kind of car do you drive? A 2008 Lexus...Nah, just kidding. I drive a Mercury Mountaineer filled with trash and toys and spare change. I'm on my way to being on "Mom My Ride" thanks to my piggy husband and toddler son.
3. What do you order when you go to Taco Bell? I haven't really eaten at a fast food restaurant for years, but I used to go to Taco Bell just about every day!! I was addicted to it in high school....Kinda makes me sick to think about it--Blehhh!!
4. Have you ever had a garage sale? No...but I need to and I have been planning to for MONTHS!
5. What color is your iPod? I am such a dorky loser, but I don't have an iPod. My younger siblings make fun of me for being behind the times! :o)
6. What kind of dog do you have? Two black and white Jack Russell Terriers (Jackson is almost 7 and Molly is 8).
7. What's for dinner tonight? I'd rather talk about what I made last night because it was DEEEE-LISH...but I'll stick with the question: Tonight I sauteed broccoli in garlic butter and mixed it with diced potatoes--Topped it with shredded cheese and made kind of a casserole (It was just Landon and me tonight).
8. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had? Red wine
9. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Hmm...probably getting rid of it! I don't have one right now, but I feel naked without it sometimes!
10. Last time you were sick? Christmas Eve--I had some kind of three day head cold--Yuck! I couldn't taste any of the Christmas food I scarfed down.
11. How long is your hair? Pretty short--but different lengths all over
12. Are you happy right now? Yes...I have a huge list of things that I need to do, people I really need to call/visit, things I need to clean, bills I need to pay, and of course that crazy case of Baby Fever, but I. Am. Happy.
13. What did you say last? "Sounds fun. We'll have to look in to it."
14. Who came over last? My mom and little brother, Brian
15. Do you drink beer? Sometimes.
16. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted? Ha ha--No...but I'm sure I told them they were! (And I was dramatic enough to IMAGINE I was adopted every once in a while as I recall).
17. What is your favorite key chain on your keys? I don't really have any key chains right now--Just those boring silver rings.
18. What did you get for graduation? Cards, Money & a big party :o)
19. Whats in your pocket? No pockets. I'm in my p.j.s
20. Who introduced you to Dane Cook? My brothers
21. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No, but my friend Shannon made one for Landon's first birthday and we were actually playing with it tonight!
22. What DVD is in your DVD player? (I'm actually getting up to check--Hee hee hee!) Okay, as usual, Cars in in the d.v.d player.
23. What's something fun you did today? Landon and I went to Baskin Robbins to get ice cream with my mom and then went to Barnes and Noble.
24. Who is/was the principal of your high school? Alex Martin (Could you tell I was saying that in a very accurate Mr. Martin thick Southern accent?)
25. Has your house ever been TP'd? No.
26. What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"? Wayne's World
27. What are you listening to right now? Results from the New Hampshire Primary (It's as addictive as the weather channel! I got the results hours ago and I'm still watching them reapeat the same things over and over!)
28. Drinking? Nothing, but I probably should go get a glass of water.
29. What is your favorite aisle at Wal-Mart? I'm not a huge Wal Mart fan (more of a Target girl if anything) so Andy told me my answer should be "The Check Out Line"
30. When is your mom's birthday? My mom was born on July
31st and my stepmom was born on July 30th--That gets a little crazy around here ;o)
31. When is your birthday? January 29th
32. What's the area code for your cell phone? Again, no cell phone (Don't make me admit it again!)
33. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now? TJ Maxx, I think?
34. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror? A little glass angel from Andy's mom.
35. How many states in the US have you been to? I think around 19 or 20
36. What kind of milk do you drink? Usually soy milk fortified with omega-3's but I also buy some skim and 2% milk, too.
37. What are you going to do after this? Hopefully go to bed! :o)
38. Who was the last person you went shopping with? My mom
39. What is your favorite fruit? I like almost any fruit and I eat a ton of it every day--I'm not that thrilled about mangoes or papayas, though.
40. What about your favorite dessert? Ooh, tough one...Andy's triple layer lemon bars, apple pie and vanilla ice cream, white chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, strawberry shortcake, banoffee...(sigh)
41. What is something you need to go shopping for? Oh, good Lord, I can always find something I need to buy--A new laundry basket, clothes, two Christmas presents I haven't bought, a new toaster...
42. Do you have the same name as one of your relatives? No. Not unless my brother marries his current girlfriend. Then she'll have my maiden name. :o)
43. What kind of car does one of your siblings drive? White Jeep Grand Cherokee
44. Do you like pickles? Sometimes. I go through phases.
45. How about olives? I like olives with Mediterranean food
46. What is your favorite kind of gum? I don't really chew gum anymore (I know, this survey is making me look like a freak of nature, isn't it?)
47. What is your favorite kind of juice? I like all kinds of juices, but I guess I'll go with R.W. Knudsen's Cranberry Blueberry
48. Do you have any tan lines? Heh Heh! I'd love to hear my friends and family comment on this one! No, I don't have any tan lines. I am as white as a sheet...(hey, at least I might avoid the skin cancer thing, right?)
49. What hospital were you born in? Greenville General--Is has been condemned since then, though
Okay, I'm going to tag Kim and Mike for this one! :o)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year's in a Nutshell!
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