Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh M'Goodness!!!

Okay, so I had a pretty embarrassing day. Wanna hear about it? Sure you do! Andy and I just found the video we made of Landon's birth. It was in the garage, covered in dust and dirt. The tape was torn and hanging out of the top of the cassette. A mess. I couldn't let that precious footage of my baby's entrance into the world remain dirty and unwatched so, I decided to take it to a video production company ASAP to have the tape fixed and transfer everything onto a DVD. I had Andy drop the video off at the video store earlier this week and it was ready this afternoon as promised--No problem--It only cost $30 for the repair and the duplication (and the guy gave me five extra copies for free!) I was pretty happy with the deal and went straight home, anxious to watch my little lost treasure!....The DVD footage had so many details I had forgotten about and while I was watching the beginning, I was thinking our video guy must have been highly entertained by our clever anecdotes and playful banter while he was making the transfer. It showed Andy and I putting together baby furniture and talking about what it was going to be like to have a little one around (Interesting)...It showed us going to the annual Greek Festival that got my contractions going. My whole family was there. (Very fun)....It showed us counting the hours and centimeters in the hospital room when I finally did go into labor later that night (priceless)...Things started going downhill (quickly) when I saw myself pop up onto the screen swelled up like a blimp, huffing and puffing away, large and in charge like some crazy sumo wrestler...To top the whole thing off there were several straight MINUTES of head on, unapologetic shots of Landon's (a-hem!)"entryway" and trust me, you guys, IT WAS NOT PRETTY (There was a broken tailbone and a scary tear involved). The more I watched, the more horrified I became, remembering all of the people I had encouraged to watch the video when they came to see the baby at the hospital. I remember proudly letting everyone and their brother watch Landon being born. I had never seen it myself, of COURSE (didn't want to at that point), but my husband assured me that it was perfectly discreet, absolutely tasteful. Ummmm, no. There was nothing discreet or tasteful about it and I am not a modest person. UGH! And then it hit me...My poor, POOR video guy! Ha ha ha! Maybe he didn't recognize me, you say? Wrong! When I waltzed into that office this afternoon with Landon (the star of the show) in tow, the guy immediately said, "Hey! I've got your DVDs all ready for you!" without even having to ask who I was. Great. I'm sure there were lover-ly images flashing in his head at that moment. You're thinking he might not have actually watched the video while transferring it? Uhh, wrong again! While I was paying him, he was a little Chatty Cathy, recounting all of the things he remembered from the footage...Greek Festival, silly dialogue, even reminding me about a part where I was telling an embarrassing pregnancy story about a "happy trail"--(mid-push mind you). Super. I am fully humiliated. And I already promised this guy future business. Bah! I should call him back and see if he's blind after watching that tape (I might even have to "up" my contact prescription after seeing it!)...And what in the world am I going to do with FIVE EXTRA COPIES of this thing? Maybe I should offer one to my Father-in-law, one to my brother, and a couple to my sister's fiance since they all seemed to enjoy watching it so much the first time! (High pitched scream here)


Kim said...

OMG!!! I was practically rolling on the floor laughing hysterically while reading this! Isn't it funny that in the hours and days following giving birth it's like nothing in the world could embarrass you about it, and you're even proud of it, willing to show it off to anyone who will watch. But give it a few years and reality starts to hit! But even though it was super embarrassing, I'm sure it was worth it all to have those precious copies of the whole experience. And you never really HAVE to see the video guy again!

Andrea said...

*scream* AHHHHHH!!!!!! Oh my gosh how embarrassing. I do have a question for you. What's your thoughts on video taping, would you do it again? I have heard from a lot of people about not doing it because of the hormones that suppress a lot of the "bad" memories and then you end up remembering them when you watch the tape. Just curious as to what your thoughts on this are.
Poor video man. =(

Jennifer said...

Andrea--Ooh...good question--ha ha ha! I was actually just thinking about this. It's true that so many things I forgot (or things that lost their "sting" by now) were definitely tapping me on the shoulder while I was watching the tape. BUT, I'd have to say the good definitely outweighs the bad and I would do it again and again and again. It looks awful, but it amazes me that I got through that! And it is really awesome to be able to show Landon this DVD (he calls it his "baby DVD") of his Daddy and I getting ready for him, then of him being born (what would I give to see my first breath, first cry, the first time my mom looked into my eyes and settled me down...) It was also funny to see my mom (a nurse who has had five kids naturally!) start to pass out from seeing all the blood and have to leave the room--ha ha ha! I don't know, I just love it---I WOULD have the camera man be careful next time not to show what was shown, though--even educational pregnancy videos that show EVERYTHING didn't show what I saw in this DVD! Ha ha ha! And I really did swell up from all the fluids and resemble a sumo wrestler--That's not my favorite thing in the world to look at! :o) Anyways, ramble, ramble I vote: Tape away! :o) Any thoughts?

Jennifer said...

Kim--Ha ha ha! I am more embarassed FOR the people who saw me (ALL of me) (Over and over and over) than I am for myself--Ha ha ha ha! And I think I am going to use my video guy again after all, just to make him squirm ;o) He did a really really great job! He has seen more of me than most people so now we have to be best friends--I wonder if he showed anyone else the tape? I would if I were him. Think about all the crazy stuff that guy sees every day! Ha ha ha!

Sharon said...

Raising my hand for a copy, please. :)
You can trust me with you. I'd only post it on youtube.

Sue said...

I say send the extra copies somewhere far where know one knows you & let highschools use it as a tool so girls think twice about having sex!!

Jennifer said...

Sue--It's funny you mention that! We were joking about creating a new career for me where I would take my video to high schools to show the "less glamorous" side of sex--Ha ha ha ha! And mine isn't doctored up with pretty music and soft lighting like the educational ones--ha ha ha! Can you imagine their faces?? I think I'd start with my little brother's high school just for extra fun! :oD