Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sheeeeeee's BaaaAAAaaack!!!

Or at least she has a computer and a working internet connection...

Yes, after nearly one YEAR (where has the time gone???), I am now blogging again! I'm not sure how long this stint will last because I am one day past my due date for our second baby (and I know that even though it feels like it at the moment, he's not going to be in there forever) but I'll give it my best effort. I have MISSED you all terribly and can't wait to catch up with everyone (and eventually catch everyone up)! Yay!


Kim said...

Can you sense my excitement?;) Sending happy labor/birthing/baby love vibes your way! Welcome back!

Unknown said...

YAY!! can't wait to be all caught up on the happenings over there. BUT enjoy that new baby once he comes. Congrats by the way!

Mandy said...

YAY!! Now go have that baby!! Can't wait to see pictures.

Sharon said...

WELCOME BACK!! It's about time. :)

I wish we could have seen you this weekend. I plan to call soon & discuss. (too bad offen-gloffish can be decoded in print....)

Andrea said...

Yay! Good think I keep checking this, huh? LOL!

Tina said...

Wow Jen!

Congrats on your second baby! (who I'm sure has made an appearance by now!)

I was starting to get worried by the fact that your blog was still silent. I look forward to hearing more about your year and your family.

Peace, Faustina.

Pouch said...

Be glad !
Who ARE U!!! ))))))
i dont know