(Disclaimer: Excuse the smear of goo on my car thermometer--I am constantly peeling animal stickers off of everything we own!)
I have to laugh at this weather because
Andrea has been talking about the ice storm they're having in Illinois. We have been having weather in the 70's and 80's so far this week and I have to say, we have been having a blast!!! Sure, it's a little weird to be raking giant piles of leaves in shorts...and even weirder to drive with the windows down at night looking at everyone's Christmas lights...but it has been so NICE outside that I just
can't bring myself to complain. Landon and I have been to the zoo to see the new giraffes and lions.

I also took him to the public horse stable and to the dog park downtown. We never feel like doing all of these fun outdoor things when it's cold! So, yeah, global warming is scary as crap, but I am southern to the core. I do like the
one day a year when a few snow flurries threaten to fall and the whole city pretty much shuts down, though. There are over 600,000 people in this city and I swear almost every single one, young and old, skips out on work or school at the first sign of snow. Bread and milk disappear from the store shelves.

Businesses close (under the excuse that the roads could get dangerous--ha ha!) just so people can go home and enjoy the few little snowflakes that drift through town once a year for about three minutes. Yes, it can get a little melodramatic, but I have my bread and milk, so I'm all set. Pat Conroy said it best in Beach Music: "Southerners love snow. It always surprises us." So true. I'll still stop everything like everyone else to try to scrape up a tiny snowman from the slush when our snow day comes this year....I always do. But for now, I am really enjoying being able to walk out to my car more than two slow inches at a time (I can't even function in the cold! I just shuffle around like an old lady or curl up in a ball and wait for it to go away). I love being outside with Landon surrounded by a mild breeze, my ghastly white (unshaved...Shhh!) "winter legs" gleaming in the sun, blinding all the neighbors. I think, "Wow, it's
December!" and feel like I'm getting away with something really sneaky. Warm weather at Christmas--So wrong and yet oh-so-right! Ahhh, the upside of pollution! (Well, I'll get away with calling it the "upside" until global warming decides to snatch away my annual snow day! Hmph!)